Hello Doctors,

I want to talk to you about an epidemic that’s raging in our industry.

I’m talking about the Spinal Injury Market. This epidemic is creating a HUGE opportunity for those doctors who can adapt their practice during this time of change.

My name is Jeffrey Cronk and I’m just like you, a fellow doctor.

I’ve spent the last 30 years as a licensed provider learning and becoming the authority on the correct diagnosis of spinal ligament injuries.

For the past decade, I’ve traveled and lectured all over the country… delivering my message of change to Chiropractors, MDs, Lawyers, Insurance People, and anyone else smart enough to listen to me.

In fact, I’ve spoken to more groups… presented more times on this subject than anyone else on the planet.

But here’s the real reason why you should to listen to me…

The spinal injury segment is going through a SEISMIC SHIFT. It’s no longer going to tolerate providers who cannot offer relief to these injured patients.

Chronic pain is crippling our country and destroying productivity.

I’m sure you see people every day who’ve been injured and are seeking us out for relief from this chronic pain and suffering.

In the United States alone, chronic pain affects 116 MILLION adults and costs our society an estimated 635 BILLION DOLLARS per year.

The number one cause of this pain….?

Spinal Ligament Injuries.

Now you can look on the front page of this site and you can see some of the many things that I have done in this market, like providing the largest medical testing services in the market for spinal ligament injuries, or designing ligament test procedures for radiologist, or publishing research on spinal ligament injury testing and much, much, more… I am even starting to receive incredible press for the work that I have been doing…but that is actually not what I am the most excited about.

What am excited about is for the last 4 ½ years I have taken over 20 years of experience and been putting it into a training program for doctors and attorneys.  Working it, refining it, recreating it, etc.

Over that 4 ½ years I have been teaching this information to a very small number of providers who have used the information to grow great injury practices, to develop great medical referral relationships, to develop incredibly attorney relationships, to do incredibly well in depositions and trials, to be involved on hospital staffs, and to speak to large audiences on this very topic. 

For years I have been doing it in a small way, really taking my time to refine my materials, but now I feel it is my obligation to make a real change in this market and help a lot more doctors help a lot more patients!

That’s why I’ve developed this SmartInjuryDoctorsTrainingProgram® and the SmartInjuryDoctorsMarketingProgram® to go with it.  Now you can use these simple, inexpensive materials to really take over your local spinal ligament injury market.   You can use these materials to truly set yourself apart in the market, and I believe, seriously improve your lifetime earning potential as a doctor all while helping a lot more people!

So, what I’ve done, is create a super-fast and really inexpensive way to get this information to you.

Come take a look and join us!  We really welcome you!




Dr. Jeffrey Cronk DC JD



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